There is so much to learn about travel, including the risk of becoming a victim of crime. There are many things you can do to help ensure your safety while you travel solo. In this article we will share some smart tips for creating a less vulnerable appearance.
Rather than exchanging cash for local currency while traveling in different countries, withdraw some pocket money from an ATM. Banks normally get an exchange rate that is much higher than an individual would be able to get. This will save you some money.
Have pertinent information on your person at all times. Keep copies of your travel documents with you, and make sure that you always have all the contact info for the US embassy that is located in the areas you will be traveling. You will need to be able to contact them if any issues arise when you are abroad. This will be handy should you have difficulties.
When vacationing in a foreign country, be careful what you eat. Learn enough about the foreign language to understand if something may be dangerous for you. You’ll be able to tell waitstaff in restaurants about your allergies before there’s a problem and you have to explain to medical professionals.
Place contact and information on the inside and outside of your luggage. It’s easy for a luggage tag to fall of if it’s hanging off your luggage. Placing identifying info inside your luggage can ensure that it is returned to you in the event it becomes separated from the luggage tag.
Credit Card
When you travel abroad, find out from your credit card company what type of travel insurance you already have. Cancelled flights might be covered if paid for with a certain credit card. It’s worth doing a little research before you depart.
Motorcycles can be a great option for short jaunts. They get great gas mileage, move fast and make things a bit more exciting. It can be awesome to travel this way.
When you are taking a long trip but traveling light, bring a soft-lined raincoat. It is impossible to predict the weather perfectly. Additionally, the raincoat can be used as a windbreaker or bathrobe as needed.
Off-hour flights can be made bearable with the help of sleep aids. It can be really hard to get good sleep on a plane, with the strange surroundings, the unfamiliar noises, and the cramped seats. If you have anxiety about flying, get your doctor to prescribe sleeping medicine to get you through your flight. Take the pill during the flight, and not beforehand, in case there is a problem and you do not take off.
Think about packing a pair of cookie sheets if you are going on the road with kids. They can use these sheets as a flat surface to color or play cards. You can even bring magnetic letters, numbers or shapes for the little ones for educational fun.
Stay up as late as possible, or at least until around 8 o’clock in the evening, to help adapt to the time change. If you feel tired because of the change in time zone you can make it worse by going to bed too early. If you can quickly adjust to the new time, you will beat jet lag.
Enjoy the company on the cruise ship and use formal dinners as an opportunity to engage with the other guests. You never know who you might meet on your next cruise. Most ships will put you at a big table with some people that you don’t know. Chat, have fun and enjoy yourself! You are likely to see them often, and it is possible that you will glean some information regarding the ship along the way.
Road trips tend to be boring so it is a good idea to plan some activities for the trip. Relieve the boredom with fun and games. Give your kids an itinerary of your route so they can focus on that destination en route to the main location.
It’s easy to get frustrated if issues arise with travel plans. Flights can be delayed or the right car may not be available. When this happens, only you or the travel agent can resolve the problem. Of course, you both want to solve the issues, but tempers can easily flare under this circumstance. Remain calm and polite. You’ll reduce your stress and be more likely to get what you want.
Always take bottled water when you are traveling to a different country. Drinking water in a foreign country can lead to stomach problems. Remember to use bottled water even when doing small things like wetting your tooth brush. You can also become ill from tap water.
If you have any allergies, especially food allergies, have these written down when traveling for better communication. This will give your server a good idea of what you are able to eat. This will help you enjoy traveling.
Remember to bring important medicines. It can be easy to forget important things, and your medication can be one of the most important. It may be hard to get the medicine you need.
When planning an overseas vacation, a good money-saving tip is to invite friends to go along. Many destinations provide discounts if there is a large group. A group rate can save considerable cash on everything from dining to airfare. Find out if any of your friends are interested in a similar trip.
Traveling can be a dangerous affair. Travelling in a larger group is definitely safer, but when alone there are plenty of things an individual can do to avoid being a victim of crime. Use the guidance from this piece to keep yourself free from attack.